Aunt Avis Day 2017

Post date: Oct 11, 2017 1:38:46 PM

Over 40 people -- mostly family and a few friends -- joined us for Aunt Avis Day on August 26th, 2017. After a brief chat, the meeting was held in the Great Room of the farmhouse. All who have contributed to the ongoing life and vitality of White Cottage Farm where thanked. There has been progress made on expanding the administrative oversight of the Trust itself and many family members have signed the legal document that has been circulating over the summer. Those with houses continue to be very helpful to the ongoing maintenance of the farm -- from cutting the fields, maintaining Uncle Gerald's Dyer, supervising various projects, to keeping an eye on the farmhouse. Thank you! Those who come up for a stay also contribute -- with time, talent, and treasure.

The waterfront is a welcome gathering space for all family and friends. Thank you for always introducing yourself to others and making in a place to meet and enjoy each other's company as well as Lake Sunapee!