
(You can download this as a better formatted PDF at the bottom of the page.)

Welcome to WCF!  Below are important directions.  Please call Charlie when you arrive and when you are preparing to depart. or 617-803-2379.

Report anything amiss to Charlie Newhall at his email or phone: or 617-803-2379.

Suggestions/modifications to this list can be sent to Charlie Newhall (above).

Webmaster is Rob Hagopian.

When the firewood supply in the cellar is getting low, please replenish from the stacks next to the garage.   

Important phone numbers are located by the phone in the summer kitchen and in the Farmhouse parlor and on the website.

White Cottage Farm is a "Pack it in & Pack it Out" and "Leave no Trace" place, with these three amendments.  Please DO sign the visitor log and write a short comment.  Please DO let us know if there are any issues that need to be addressed.  And, please DO let us know if you intend to make a contribution of time, talent, or treasure.  No pressure.

Please enjoy your stay!

                                                  Queen Mab

Arriving at the WCF

Preparing to leave the WCF

Leaving the WCF